Genetics and Society Working Group

The Genetics and Society Working Group (GSWG), formerly the Genetic Screening Study Group, has worked for over 30 years to promote the responsible communication and application of advances in genetics to all members of society. We believe that scientists and those who present science to the public must strive to develop well-educated consumers of scientific information. The group focuses specifically on anticipating the social impact of developments in human genetics. To avoid misrepresentation of the significance of these developments, GSWG works to raise awareness among scientists about the potential impact of their work and encourages scientists to interact with science educators and the media.   GSWG is composed of scientists, students, and professionals trained in a variety of disciplines, including genetics, sociology, ethics, and the law. Activities have included publication of scholarly articles and a book for general audiences, public presentations, development of educational materials, and organization of conferences. GSWG’s multidisciplinary nature, along with the strong scientific foundations of many of its members, allows it to function as a voice from within the scientific community speaking to the broader societal implications of advances in genetic science.